
lily renee

Jan 19, 2022

“Identity, Art and Migration”
Online Exhibition

2022-02-16T13:07:29-05:00January 19th, 2022|Comments Off on “Identity, Art and Migration”
Online Exhibition

“Identity, Art and Migration” investigates the experience of seven Jewish European artists who were forced to abandon their country of origin, or remain in hiding for years, in response to Nazi policies in effect from 1933 to 1945. These six artists: Anni Albers, Friedel Dzubas, Eva Hesse, Rudi Lesser, Lily Renée and Arthur Szyk emigrated to the United States, while one, Fritz Ascher, stayed behind in Germany, hiding in a basement for three years. These artists’ lives and work address the multi-layered concept of identity and the particulars of its expression from slightly different angles. We invite you to explore with us how these wrenching experiences affected their sense of who they were, and the art they made. [...]

Dec 25, 2021


2022-03-25T18:23:56-04:00December 25th, 2021|Newsletter|Comments Off on ALL BEST WISHES FOR 2022!

Dear Friends, Until December 31, you can still watch the 2019 feature documentary "Lily" - for free! A big thank you to director Adrienne Gruben for making the film available to us. LINK TO FILM SCREENING AND RECORDING OF 11/17 EVENT There, you can also watch the recording of the November 17 discussion about discovering Lily Renée and producing the film, featuring Award-winning Herstorian and writer Trina Robbins, director and producer Adrienne Gruben and producer David Armstrong. December 31 is also the end of the year. For us, it was the busiest year in the (short) history of the Fritz Ascher Society. We continued our virtual programming with our monthly "Flight or Fight" lectures and our investigation into "Trauma, Memory and Art," and we [...]

Oct 10, 2021

Lily Renée (1921-2022):
From Refugee to Renown
Featuring Trina Robbins, Adrienne Gruben and David Armstrong

2022-09-01T07:14:59-04:00October 10th, 2021|, , |Comments Off on Lily Renée (1921-2022):
From Refugee to Renown
Featuring Trina Robbins, Adrienne Gruben and David Armstrong

Lily Renee arrived during the Holocaust in New York City as a teenager, and somehow found work in the male-dominated comic book world. By the time of her retirement, she had become a legend and her heroic female characters--like Lily herself, smashing through the glass ceiling of gender expectation--and shaping figures that would inspire several generations of young readers, both girls and boys, to rethink the norms that so often otherwise surrounded them. Image above: Lily Renée, Senorita Rio, Fight Comics, Fiction House, not dated. Trina Robbins collection. Lily Renée, Lily Renée, The Werewolf Hunter, Fiction House, not dated (probably 1948). Trina Robbins collection © Lily Renée Lily Renée, The [...]