
Statements & Press Releases

Mar 8, 2021

Crowdsourcing Initiative

2021-03-08T05:00:46-05:00March 8th, 2021|Statements & Press Releases|Comments Off on #EVERYNAMECOUNTS
Crowdsourcing Initiative

Building the Largest Digital Memorial to the Victims of Nazism #EVERYNAMECOUNTS Crowdsourcing Initiative   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Fritz Ascher Society for Persecuted, Ostracized, and Banned Art is proud to be the first US project partner of the Arolsen Archives in building the Largest Digital Memorial to the Victims of Nazism. With the help of volunteers from around the world, the #everynamecounts initiative is creating the most comprehensive online archive on the victims and survivors of the Nazi system of terror. “We are building a memorial on strong foundations provided by historical documents – for truth, and against racism and antisemitism,” emphasizes Floriane Azoulay, Director of the Arolsen Archives. Rachel Stern, Director and CEO of The Fritz Ascher Society adds, [...]

Nov 2, 2020

Publication of “Immortality, Memory Creativity and Survival: The Arts of Alice Lok Cahana, Ronnie Cahana and Kitra Cahana”

2020-11-18T15:35:14-05:00November 2nd, 2020|Statements & Press Releases|Comments Off on Publication of “Immortality, Memory Creativity and Survival: The Arts of Alice Lok Cahana, Ronnie Cahana and Kitra Cahana”

The Fritz Ascher Society Celebrates the Publication of Immortality, Memory, Creativity, and Survival: The Arts of Alice Lok Cahana, Ronnie Cahana and Kitra Cahana FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New York, NY - The Fritz Ascher Society for Persecuted, Ostracized, and Banned Art is pleased to announce the forthcoming publication of Immortality, Memory, Creativity, and Survival: The Arts of Alice Lok Cahana, Ronnie Cahana and Kitra Cahana. Rachel Stern, Executive Director of The Fritz Ascher Society states, “This innovative interdisciplinary publication investigates the long term effect of trauma and memory. Looking at three generations of the Cahana family and their art in the context of biological and psychological research, a complex understanding develops of how trauma and especially the Holocaust experience is [...]

Sep 29, 2020

Announcing DigiFAS, The Fritz Ascher Society’s Digital Engagement Platform

2020-09-29T15:17:01-04:00September 29th, 2020|Statements & Press Releases|Comments Off on Announcing DigiFAS, The Fritz Ascher Society’s Digital Engagement Platform

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE THE FRITZ ASCHER SOCIETY LAUNCHES “DigiFAS” DIGITAL INITIATIVE October 2020 On October 17, 2020 The Fritz Ascher Society for Persecuted, Ostracized, and Banned Art (FAS) will launch DigiFAS: diverse, innovative digital initiatives that provide new ways of engagement with the art and life of artists persecuted by an authoritarian regime. Building on the success of the Zoom lecture series “Fight or Flight: Stories of Artists Under Repression,” which was initiated in spring 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this launch includes the Society’s first-ever fully digital exhibition “Fritz Ascher: Themes and Variations,” and the 2-week digital engagement project “Send in the Clowns.” The Fritz Ascher Society researches, publishes and exhibits artists whose lives and careers [...]

Aug 20, 2020

Forum Jacob Pins, Höxter
„Der Vereinsamte.
Clowns in der Kunst Fritz Aschers (1893 – 1970)“
6. September – 29. November 2020

2020-09-30T09:34:31-04:00August 20th, 2020|Statements & Press Releases|Comments Off on Forum Jacob Pins, Höxter
„Der Vereinsamte.
Clowns in der Kunst Fritz Aschers (1893 – 1970)“
6. September – 29. November 2020

Kontakt Fritz Ascher Society: Rachel Stern [email protected] +1 (917) 363-0056 Kontakt Forum Jacob Pins: Julie Diekmann +49 (5271) 6947441 DOWNLOADS: PRESSEMITTEILUNG FORUM JACOB PINS PRESSEMITTEILUNG FRITZ ASCHER SOCIETY BIOGRAPHIE FRITZ ASCHER BILDNACHWEISE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 26, 2020 Anlässlich des 50. Todestages des Künstlers zeigt das Forum Jacob Pins vom 6. September bis zum 29. November 2020 rund 40 Gemälde und Grafiken des Berliner Spät-Expressionisten Fritz Ascher (1893-1970). Von den Nationalsozialisten als „entarteter“ Künstler und geborener Jude verfolgt, überlebte Ascher zwei Weltkriege und blieb in Berlin, wo er lebte und arbeitete. Sein Schicksal steht exemplarisch für zahlreiche Künstlerinnen und Künstler der sogenannten „verlorenen Generation“, deren Karrieren 1933 abrupt unterbrochen oder beendet wurden. Die Ausstellung wurde in Zusammenarbeit [...]

Feb 6, 2020

University of Richmond Museums Presents
a Competition in Prose, Poetry or Images on Paper for High School Students

2020-02-06T13:20:49-05:00February 6th, 2020|Statements & Press Releases|Comments Off on University of Richmond Museums Presents
a Competition in Prose, Poetry or Images on Paper for High School Students

Contact Fritz Ascher Society: Rachel Stern [email protected] (917) 363-0056 Contact University of Richmond Museums: Heather Campbell [email protected] (804) 287-6324 www.richmond.edu Twitter: @URNews2Use DOWNLOAD PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 10, 2020 University of Richmond Museums Presents a Competition in Prose, Poetry or Images on Paper for High School Students The University of Richmond Museums presents Otherness: A Competition in Prose, Poetry or Images on Paper, specifically for high school students and presented in conjunction with the exhibition Fritz Ascher: Expressionist, currently on view at the Harnett Museum of Art. The exhibition is the first retrospective of German artist Fritz Ascher (1893-1970), comprising seventy paintings and works on paper, ranging from early academic studies and figural compositions to the artist’s late colorful, mystical landscapes. The Fritz [...]

Dec 3, 2018

University of Richmond Museums Opens Fritz Ascher: Expressionist

2020-01-22T15:00:30-05:00December 3rd, 2018|Statements & Press Releases|Comments Off on University of Richmond Museums Opens Fritz Ascher: Expressionist

On view at the Joel and Lila Harnett Museum of Art, University of Richmond January 16–May 24, 2020  Contact Fritz Ascher Society: Rachel Stern [email protected] (917) 363-0056 Contact University of Richmond Museums: Heather Campbell [email protected] (804) 287-6324 DOWNLOAD PRESS RELEASE Fritz Ascher: Expressionist is on view in the Harnett Museum of Art, University of Richmond Museums, from January 16, through May 24, 2020. The exhibition is the first retrospective of German artist Fritz Ascher (1893-1970), comprising of 70 paintings and works on paper, ranging from early academic studies and figural compositions to the artist’s late colorful, mystical landscapes. Fritz Ascher belongs to Germany’s “Lost Generation” – artists whose careers were interrupted or destroyed by the Nazi regime, and whose [...]