

Oct 14, 2020

FRITZ ASCHER SOCIETY Newsletter #36, October 2020

2020-11-24T20:14:35-05:00October 14th, 2020|Newsletter|Comments Off on FRITZ ASCHER SOCIETY Newsletter #36, October 2020

Dear Friends, On October 17 we celebrate Fritz Ascher’s birthday - this year with the launch of DigiFAS - diverse, innovative digital initiatives that provide new ways of engagement with the art and life of artists persecuted by an authoritarian regime. DigiFAS is generously sponsored by Allianz Partners. This launch includes the Society’s first-ever fully digital exhibition “Fritz Ascher: Themes and Variations.” You can explore the exhibition HERE. We have worked on this for months and can’t wait for your reactions! We also invite you to participate in the 2- week digital engagement project “Send in the Clowns,” which explores the clown as a figure between tragedy and comedy, between self- identification [...]

Sep 17, 2020

FRITZ ASCHER SOCIETY Newsletter #35, September 2020

2020-09-17T22:58:37-04:00September 17th, 2020|Newsletter|Comments Off on FRITZ ASCHER SOCIETY Newsletter #35, September 2020

Forum Jacob Pins in Höxter, Germany Dear Friends, The Jewish New Year is upon us, and it feels as if the New keeps coming. The exhibition “The Loner. Clowns in Fritz Ascher's Art (1893-1970)” at Forum Jacob Pins in Höxter, Germany was opened with an event following  social distancing rules, my video greeting and a concert in the courtyard. The exhibition is on view until November 29, and I very much encourage you to see it (more information HERE). In the exhibition, Ascher’s depictions of clowns are contrasted with depictions of  nature, which dominated his post-Holocaust work. Inspired by the nearby Grunewald, the artist created vivid landscapes and powerful close-ups of the sun, trees and flowers, which [...]

Aug 20, 2020

FRITZ ASCHER SOCIETY Newsletter #34, August 2020

2020-08-20T21:32:19-04:00August 20th, 2020|Newsletter|Comments Off on FRITZ ASCHER SOCIETY Newsletter #34, August 2020

Dear Friends, What a strange summer this is. But I have exciting news of some degree of normalcy: an exhibition in Germany! This is no small feast in these times, and I am thankful to my co-curator Julia Diekmann for her flexibility and creativity in co-organizing the exhibition. Who would have thought that the largest hurdle is getting the artwork out of the locked down campus of Richmond University? In the end it all worked - our shipper Cadogan Tate had just taken up operation again and flight schedules for art opened up, the drawings, which have never been shown before will be matted and framed practically overnight, the artwork will be hanged as fast as it probably never [...]

Jun 17, 2019

2019, January 23 – Arielle Budick in Financial Times, p. 6

2019-06-17T11:54:24-04:00June 17th, 2019|Select Press Coverage|Comments Off on 2019, January 23 – Arielle Budick in Financial Times, p. 6

"Sustained by art through the darkness. Fritz Ascher’s work, now on show in New York, reflects his reclusive, obsessive nature and his turbulent life.” (scroll down for translation into German) Fritz Ascher's "Sunflower", c. 1958.  ©Bianca Stock You have probably never heard of Fritz Ascher, a passionate and peculiar painter who, nearly 40 years after his death, is finally getting a smidgen of renown at New York’s Grey Art Gallery. Ascher belonged to a generation of German artists the Nazis hounded into hiding – or worse – leaving a chapter in the history of art truncated and brimming with might-have-beens. He was lucky enough to survive, though the war’s after-effects kept shuddering [...]

Mar 26, 2019

2019, March 1 – Channel Thirteen, NYC-ARTS

2019-03-26T08:33:22-04:00March 26th, 2019|Select Press Coverage|Comments Off on 2019, March 1 – Channel Thirteen, NYC-ARTS

NYC-ARTS News: February 28 – March 7 Televised news segment about Fritz Ascher: Expressionist on Channel Thirteen’s NYC-ARTS program. Arts news highlights: “Half the Picture: A Feminist Look at the Collection” at Brooklyn Museum; “Ajijaak on Turtle Island” at The New Victory Theater; “Fritz Ascher: Expressionist” at Grey Art Gallery; “One. One & One” at Baryshnikov Arts Center. AIRED: 3/1/2019 | 0:07:01 Watch Video

Mar 26, 2019

2019, March 18 – Art With Hillary – Part II

2019-03-26T08:09:16-04:00March 26th, 2019|Select Press Coverage|Comments Off on 2019, March 18 – Art With Hillary – Part II

"What If? The Life And Work of Fritz Ascher Part II"  http://artwithhillary.blogspot.com (scroll down for translation into German) Fritz Ascher (1893 - 1970), Untergehende Sonne (Sunset), c. 1960, oil on canvas, 49.2 × 50 in. ( 125 × 126 cm) Private collection. Photo: Malcolm Varon. © Bianca Stock This is Part II of the blog post on the exhibition Fritz Ascher: Expressionist at New York University's Grey Art Gallery.  Please see ArtWithHillary, February 2019 for Part I. From 1942 until the end of the war in 1945, Fritz Ascher (1893 - 1970) was hidden from the Nazis by Martha Grassman (1881 - 1971).  Her home was in Grunewald, a famous forest area of Berlin noted for its pine and oak trees.  In [...]

Mar 25, 2019

2019, February 28 – Art With Hillary – Part I

2019-03-26T08:08:38-04:00March 25th, 2019|Select Press Coverage|Comments Off on 2019, February 28 – Art With Hillary – Part I

"What If? The Life And Work of Fritz Ascher Part I" http://artwithhillary.blogspot.com (scroll down for translation into German) Fritz Ascher (1893 - 1970), Untergehende Sonne (Sunset), c. 1960, oil on canvas, 49.2 × 50 in. ( 125 × 126 cm) Private collection. Photo: Malcolm Varon. © Bianca Stock The current exhibition Fritz Ascher: Expressionist at New York University's Grey Art Gallery is artistically impressive and historically important. Accordingly, ArtWithHillary February 2019 and ArtWithHillary March 2019 are devoted to an account of the show. The artist Fritz Ascher (1893 - 1970) suffered through a horrific period of time from 1933 through 1945 in which he was prohibited from producing art.  No one will leave the exhibit without thinking what if the artist had [...]

Feb 15, 2019

2019, January 9 – Tom L. Freudenheim in Wall Street Journal, p. A13

2019-02-15T10:25:48-05:00February 15th, 2019|Select Press Coverage|Comments Off on 2019, January 9 – Tom L. Freudenheim in Wall Street Journal, p. A13

"Finally Home with the Greats. An exhibition places the under-the-radar Fritz Ascher squarely in the canon of 20th-century German artists.” (scroll down for translation into German) ‘Golgotha’ (1915), by Fritz Ascher, in which inflections of Pieter Bruegel the Elder coalesce with James Ensor to create a scene of pandemonium and horror. ©Bianca Stock For those of us who consider themselves familiar with German Expressionism, the compelling new exhibition at New York University’s Grey Art Gallery, “Fritz Ascher: Expressionist,” makes us wonder why this artist hasn’t been on our radar screens. The 67 works of art on display, along with sketchbooks and documentary materials, may not quite qualify as a discovery, but they significantly [...]

Feb 8, 2018

FRITZ ASCHER SOCIETY Newsletter #18, February 2018

2018-12-04T11:50:09-05:00February 8th, 2018|Newsletter|Comments Off on FRITZ ASCHER SOCIETY Newsletter #18, February 2018

Dear Friends, Fritz Ascher is getting a “Stolperstein” (stumbling stone)! Please join us for the ceremony on Wednesday, February 21 at 11:00am at Niklasstr. 21/23 in Berlin-Zehlendorf Stolpersteine (stumbling stones) is a project of the artist Gunter Demnig. The project commemorates people who were persecuted by the Nazis between 1933 and 1945. Stolpersteine are concrete blocks measuring 10x10cm which are laid into the pavement in front of the last voluntarily chosen places of residence of the victims of the Nazis. Their names and fate are engraved into a brass plate on the top of each Stolperstein. In Berlin, thousands Stolpersteine were installed since 1996. Today, Stolpersteine can be found in 1099 German cities and in 20 European countries. (link) We [...]