Becoming Jewish:
The Sculptor Benno Elkan (1877-1960)
Christian Walda, Dortmund with
Wolfgang Weick and Ori Z. Soltes

1014 - space for ideas 1014 5th Avenue, New York, New York, NY, United States

Born 1877 in Dortmund, the sculptor Benno Elkan (1877-1960) first studied painting in Munich and Karlsruhe. At the end of his studies, he turned to sculpture. As a young artist, he spent time in Paris, Rome, and Frankfurt. Elkan’s oeuvre was largely made up of commissions. In the beginning, he mainly created tombs. Medals, portrait busts of well-known personalities, monuments to victims and candelabras follow, partly for the religious (Jewish and Christian) context. Elkan fled persecution by the German Nazi regime to Great Britain in 1934and lived with his family in London until the end of his life. Perhaps the most important work besides the Menorah in Jerusalem (1956) was never built: Memorial to the Defenseless Victims of the Bombing [...]


Benno Elkan (1877-1960)
and the Definition of Israeli Art
Talk by Ori Z Soltes, PhD

ONLINE VA, United States

In honor of Yom Ha'azmaut, Israel's Independence Day, and this year's 75th anniversary of the establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948, this talk by Georgetown University professor Ori Z Soltes addresses the question of what defines Israeli art and when it began to take shape. Is it made only by Israelis---then how did Elkan's Menorah become the consummate symbol of Israel when he never lived in the state? Did "Israeli" art begin with or before the birth of the state? How does this relate to the opening of the Bezalel School of Art in 1906--and closing by 1929, only to re-open years later? How does it relate to the question of defining Jewish art? Benno Elkan's stunning work, [...]


Emmy Rubensohn! Netzwerkerin und Musikförderin – von Leipzig bis New York
June 25 – January 14, 2024
Museen im GRASSI, Leipzig, Germany

Museen im GRASSI Johannisplatz 5-1, Leipzig, Germany

Emmy Rubensohn! Networker and Music Patron - from Leipzig to New York Emmy Rubensohn (1884-1961) was a networker, music patron, concert manager and author of letters. Born in Leipzig in 1884 as the daughter of the Jewish entrepreneurial family Frank, she attended Gewandhaus concerts at an early age and collected autographs from prominent artists of her time. After marrying Ernst Rubensohn in 1907, she moved to Kassel, where the couple turned their house into a cultural meeting place, where composers and performers such as Wilhelm Furtwängler, Walter Braunfels or Ernst Krenek, or visual artists such as the painter Oskar Kokoschka or the sculptor Benno Elkan guested. Thanks to a "residency grant", Krenek was able to complete his opera "Jonny [...]
