

Jan 12, 2024

FRITZ ASCHER SOCIETY Newsletter January 2024

2024-01-24T06:51:51-05:00January 12th, 2024|Newsletter|Comments Off on FRITZ ASCHER SOCIETY Newsletter January 2024

We hope that 2024 started well for you. This is our 10th anniversary year, and we are planning many stimulating and thought provoking events and programs, and even two publications to celebrate this milestone. On Friday, January 27, is the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau by the Red Army in 1945. We commemorate this date as the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Leading up to that day, we invite you to once again participate in #EVERYNAMECOUNTS. DATAENTRY CHALLENGE #EVERYNAMECOUNTS The Arolsen Archives are working on the world’s most comprehensive online archive of the people who were persecuted and murdered by the National Socialists. Join us for the third year in recording names and paths [...]

Dec 22, 2023

Happy Holidays!

2024-01-24T06:16:58-05:00December 22nd, 2023|Newsletter|Comments Off on Happy Holidays!

In 1901, the eight-year-old German-Jewish artist Fritz Ascher (Berlin, 1893-1970) drew mother and son negotiating the purchase of a Christmas tree. This is the first known artwork by the artist, which he sketched in graphite and then executed in ink on paper. Fritz Ascher, Winter Scene, 1901. Graphite and black ink on paper, 13.8 x 10.4 inches. Copyright Bianca Stock Find out more about Fritz Ascher in our short biographical film: WATCH "FRITZ ASCHER, EXPRESSIONIST (1893-1970)" Some years later, around 1913, Fritz Ascher draws a conductor on the verso of that same sheet of paper. The caricature shows Ascher’s tenderness and admiration: music, especially Beethoven’s music, accompanied him wherever [...]

Nov 28, 2023

FRITZ ASCHER SOCIETY Newsletter December 2023

2024-01-24T05:48:25-05:00November 28th, 2023|Newsletter|Comments Off on FRITZ ASCHER SOCIETY Newsletter December 2023

#GivingTuesday is here — a 24-hour period of global giving to non-profits! You know what we do, and you know how clear the importance of fact-based historical context has become. And we’ll step up our work telling untold stories of marginalized artists persecuted by the German regime 1933-1945 — a time of societal and political challenges that very much resonates with today’s challenges. Start this day of giving by making your donation to support our virtual programs that you enjoy! DONATE TODAY Fleeing Nazi persecution, he came to Australia. Not as a free man like the photographer Horst Eisfelder, but as a British deportee on the Dunera, heading for the internment camps at Hay in New [...]

Mar 29, 2023

Emmy Rubensohn! Netzwerkerin und Musikförderin – von Leipzig bis New York
June 25 – January 14, 2024
Museen im GRASSI, Leipzig, Germany

2024-01-15T20:22:29-05:00March 29th, 2023|, |Comments Off on Emmy Rubensohn! Netzwerkerin und Musikförderin – von Leipzig bis New York
June 25 – January 14, 2024
Museen im GRASSI, Leipzig, Germany

Emmy Rubensohn! Networker and Music Patron - from Leipzig to New York Emmy Rubensohn (1884-1961) was a networker, music patron, concert manager and author of letters. Born in Leipzig in 1884 as the daughter of the Jewish entrepreneurial family Frank, she attended Gewandhaus concerts at an early age and collected autographs from prominent artists of her time. After marrying Ernst Rubensohn in 1907, she moved to Kassel, where the couple turned their house into a cultural meeting place, where composers and performers such as Wilhelm Furtwängler, Walter Braunfels or Ernst Krenek, or visual artists such as the painter Oskar Kokoschka or the sculptor Benno Elkan guested. Thanks to a "residency grant", Krenek was able to complete his opera "Jonny [...]

Nov 18, 2020

“Fritz Ascher: Themes and Variations”
A Digital Exhibition Experience

2024-03-05T08:12:14-05:00November 18th, 2020||Comments Off on “Fritz Ascher: Themes and Variations”
A Digital Exhibition Experience

This digital exhibition includes important examples from the oeuvre of the German Jewish Expressionist artist Fritz Ascher (1893-1970). Ascher’s career extended from prior to the First World War until the late 1960s. However, Ascher’s artistic trajectory was interrupted due to persecution under National Socialism, and he spent much of the Second World War in hiding, concealed in a family friend’s basement. Ascher’s work consequently encompasses both the vibrant artistic scene in early-20th-century Germany, as well as the trauma and aesthetic shifts consequent of Ascher’s persecution and deprivations during the twelve years of the Nazi regime. These selected works are representative not only of critical moments in Ascher’s personal and artistic development, but also of key themes that occupied Ascher’s [...]