FRITZ ASCHER SOCIETY Newsletter #13, May 2017
Dear Friends, Maybe today’s storm is finally bringing warm weather? Fritz Ascher wrote a poem about the strong winds that spring brings: SPRING WIND As power romps around in space; blustering, boiling, blustering. As it tugs at the clouds, - it rustles forest and fields. As willingly everything submits to this wild child. The field weighs Its life force - ; Winds, - Spring’s windlass! (Poems Vol. 1, undated, p. 42) Siegmund Rotstein, Rachel Stern and Dr. Ingrid Moessinger at the opening of the Fritz Ascher exhibition at the Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz - MUSEUM GUNZENHAUSER on March 4, 2017. At the Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz - MUSEUM GUNZENHAUSER, the Fritz Ascher Retrospective is still on view until June 18. It is the first [...]