
Grassi Museums

Jan 12, 2024

FRITZ ASCHER SOCIETY Newsletter January 2024

2024-01-24T06:51:51-05:00January 12th, 2024|Newsletter|Comments Off on FRITZ ASCHER SOCIETY Newsletter January 2024

We hope that 2024 started well for you. This is our 10th anniversary year, and we are planning many stimulating and thought provoking events and programs, and even two publications to celebrate this milestone. On Friday, January 27, is the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau by the Red Army in 1945. We commemorate this date as the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Leading up to that day, we invite you to once again participate in #EVERYNAMECOUNTS. DATAENTRY CHALLENGE #EVERYNAMECOUNTS The Arolsen Archives are working on the world’s most comprehensive online archive of the people who were persecuted and murdered by the National Socialists. Join us for the third year in recording names and paths [...]

Mar 29, 2023

Emmy Rubensohn! Netzwerkerin und Musikförderin – von Leipzig bis New York
June 25 – January 14, 2024
Museen im GRASSI, Leipzig, Germany

2024-01-15T20:22:29-05:00March 29th, 2023|, |Comments Off on Emmy Rubensohn! Netzwerkerin und Musikförderin – von Leipzig bis New York
June 25 – January 14, 2024
Museen im GRASSI, Leipzig, Germany

Emmy Rubensohn! Networker and Music Patron - from Leipzig to New York Emmy Rubensohn (1884-1961) was a networker, music patron, concert manager and author of letters. Born in Leipzig in 1884 as the daughter of the Jewish entrepreneurial family Frank, she attended Gewandhaus concerts at an early age and collected autographs from prominent artists of her time. After marrying Ernst Rubensohn in 1907, she moved to Kassel, where the couple turned their house into a cultural meeting place, where composers and performers such as Wilhelm Furtwängler, Walter Braunfels or Ernst Krenek, or visual artists such as the painter Oskar Kokoschka or the sculptor Benno Elkan guested. Thanks to a "residency grant", Krenek was able to complete his opera "Jonny [...]