Signs and Wonders. A Conversation between Author Melvin Jules Bukiet and Artist David Stern

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Join us for an insightful conversation between acclaimed author Melvin Jules Bukiet and renowned artist David Stern, marking the 25th anniversary of the publication of Signs and Wonders. Published in 1999, Bukiet’s novel tells the story of twelve prisoners on a barge in the late 20th century, freed by a violent storm and embarking on a symbolic pilgrimage through Germany as the millennium approaches. As their journey unfolds, their leader, Ben Alef, is seen by some as the next Messiah—invoking powerful themes of hope, identity, and transcendence. In this conversation, Bukiet and Stern will delve into Bukiet’s books and explore the relationship between art and reality—does art need to reflect lived experiences to be authentic? How do personal histories shape [...]
